Savings Builder Statement Savings |
Statement Savings Account |
Passbook Savings Account |
Club Account |
Best for: |
Watch your savings grow |
A companion account to your checking account with full ATM and Online access |
A traditional savings product, just like when you were a kid |
A place to tuck some money away for Holiday expenses |
Minimum Opening Balance |
$50 |
$200 |
$200 |
$10 |
Minimum Balance |
$50 |
$200 |
$200 |
$10 |
Monthly Maint. Service Charge |
$5 - If the balance falls below the required minimum balance.
$5 - If the balance falls below the required minimum balance. |
$1 - If the balance falls below the required minimum balance. |
None |
Earns Interest |
Minimum Balance to earn APY |
$50 |
$50 |
$50 |
$10 |
Online, Phone & Mobile Banking Access |
Electronic Transactions |
Deposits and withdrawals permitted |
Deposits and withdrawals permitted. |
Deposits Only |
Deposits Only |
Req. Monthly Automatic Deposit |
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